How Intercultural Theatre Has Benefited the Development of Society

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How Interculteral Theatre has Benefited the Development of Civilization To truly form an opinion of intercultural theatre, one must first understand its initial concept. “Intercultural performance in general refers to performance/theatre that consciously and intentionally incorporates elements of performing traditions from disparate cultures as an approach to artistic creation. Text, language, performing technique, and casting and staging conventions may be taken out of their original contexts for inventive exploration” (Durepos, Mills, Weibe, 2010). Although this seems to be a modern concept, intercultural theatre has been practiced around the world for thousands of years and has helped to develop the way in which we present performances today. Throughout the Far East ancient civilizations would communicate and negotiate their trade through performance. There are many examples of the exchange of performance traditions in these early Eastern cultures, and also in the history of Western theatre, bringing us to the techniques we practice today. The significance of a particular culture is fundamental when studying their performance techniques. . “Human culture is a system of significations which allows a society of a group to understand itself in its relationship with the world” (Pavis, 1996). Each culture is a system designed, throughout their peoples’ existence, to direct the way in which they perceive their communal reality. Culture creates normality within its society, prompting obeisance to the regulations and communal structure. In reference to Camille Camilleri, Pavis goes on to discuss the issue of ‘social heredity’, discussing how these communal norms are passed down socially and can even affect the psychology of the individual; “Culture marks our representations, feelings and activity, that is, every aspect of our mental life; and the cultural order,

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