How Important Is It to Preserve Culture

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Preserving Indigenous culture is absolutely essential as Indigenous communities are important because they are a part of the world's heritage & it is fading away. If we don't preserve Indigenous culture, all impact of that culture will be taken away & people will suffer a loss of identity. If we don’t preserve Indigenous culture, all impact of that culture will be taken away and people will suffer a loss of identity. Why preserve culture you might say? Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts. Culture shouldn’t just be a return to the customs of the past. It expresses the views of people to the future of their traditional values with the use of technology that is needed for development & process. Indigenous cultures inherit knowledge from ancestors passing down information through stories, paintings, music & poetry as it is not regularly practiced and promoted. Indigenous cultures inherit knowledge from ancestors passing down information through stories, paintings, music & poetry as it is not regularly practiced and promoted. Indigenous traditions & cultures will be lost if they are not passed on. The younger generation find it hard to accept both indigenous culture & western culture and so they are steering towards western culture. Many Indigenous cultures have unique ways of life & beliefs but these are at a high risk with the western influence. The mix of having two cultures has a high possibility of killing off cultures. The importance of culture is that without culture, a nation is not a nation anymore; people of nations have no identity. It’s almost as if their existence is erased from the earth, living with no recognition, as if they are ‘extinct’. Preserving Indigenous culture is one hundred per-cent necessary, it is a
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