How I Perceive Globalization

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A1 – How do you feel Globalization affects you? Do you see it as a threat or an opportunity? My first reaction to that question is that globalization affects me whether I want/like it or not. It’s not really that we have a choice as an individual. Globalization is all around us: food, clothing, travel, transport, communication, employment, technology… As a matter of fact, on individual level, it has impregnated our way of life so much that we just take it for granted and don’t consider it that much anymore. We think it’s normal nowadays to have the same fresh fruits during the whole year, even if unconsciously we know that these fruits do not grow for 12 months in row in our regions. Specifically for me as an individual, it has changed the way I communicate and travel and work, and for sure the way I shop. I have today the possibility to buy goods from all over the world, even without leaving my home. The risk is also that I have more opportunity to buy items or services that I don’t really need, but because I can, I will! So in a sense, one of the risks of globalization is the increase of materialism. Is it a threat or an opportunity? Both, depending on your awareness and your level of maturity. If you are aware of the effects of globalization, try to get the best out of it. Use the system to your advantage. Be aware of the pitfalls and the dangers. If you don’t have the maturity to accept that you are affected by globalization, you are than more exposed to the negative effects of it. In my opinion, the ones who can benefit the most of globalization are enterprises, much more than individuals. And I’m still not fully convinced of the positive impact of globalization on countries with less advanced economies. I cannot let go of the idea: the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. I have been working in different countries (and mainly outside Europe) for the
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