How I Learned to Snowboard

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How I learned to Snowboard. On December 8th of every year that I was assigned to the 10th Mountain Division in Fort Drum, New York we conducted a history lesson, but this was no ordinary lesson. We would meet at Dry Hill, it’s the local ski resort there. Where we spent the first half of the day learning about the history of our organization. The rest of the day we could just go have fun and ski or snowboard which ever you preferred. Every year I would just sit in the lodge and watch everyone else because I was too embarrassed to let anyone know I didn’t know how to ski or snowboard. In December of 2010 I decided that I wanted to learn how to snowboard since it would be my final winter there and I wanted to snowboard at least once before I left. It was Wednesday, December 1st, 2010 I asked a good friend of mine Ty “Dude you wanna go hit The Hill”, that’s what we called Dry Hill. “You know it, just let me text the wife see if she is cool with it” he said. I went and picked him up at 11:30 am on our way there is when I told him “Dude I don’t know how to ski or snowboard but I wanted to learn.” He said “I know you don’t know how but it is cool I’ll show you what I know.” After we arrive I can start to feel myself getting nervous but I could look to nervous in front of my best friend so I sucked it up. We go into the lodge and get in line to rent some snowboards I can still remember the smell of those concession stand cheeseburgers and french fries. A lady was in front of us yelling at the ski rental guy about not having the right size of boots she was given a size 6 and size 5. After that was settled it was our turn I got my size 10 boots and snowboard and put my boots on and we headed out to the lift. If you have never been on a ski lift and are afraid of heights I do not recommend doing this cause it is frightening. I was freaking out and I haven’t

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