How I Eat

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I love to eat food. The most important thing about food for me is it has to taste good. If the taste is bad I will not eat it. I enjoy eating certain foods at certain times. Toast in the morning, and Roti(Indian flat bread) at night. The food I eat can be healthy or unhealthy It just has to taste good. I never think how the food will make me look. When I feel hungry I stuff my face with food that I can get the fastest. I’m willing to spend top dollar for good food when I have the time to enjoy eating it. When I have to make a decision on what to eat, I eat what is nearest and fastest for me. I make my eating choices by how I feel during the day. I do not crave any food in the morning. All I want is toast and coffee or cha and get my day started. Most of the time I carry it with me to my car and eat and drink on my way to work or school. During the day I’m mostly in the mood for fast foods. I’m always on the go. I love Taco Bell the Mexican Pizza is one of my favorites, and I do have cravings for it often. However there are times when I only have cravings for Indian foods especially when my mom makes it. Making a Decision on what to eat is always easy for me. I think of what I feel like eating and get the thing that is closest to me. I never think about the nutrition values of the foods I eat. I was a healthy kid so I was never concerned about not eating fatty food. Even now I eat like I ate 5 years ago. When I order a Double-Double from In and Out I never think about the 500 plus calories it has. I just love how good it is in the time I get it in. Mostly the advertisements I see for these fast food places show healthy people eating there food. So it never phased me to wonder if the food was nutritious. But I need to start focusing on the nutritious values of the foods because eating healthy will allow me to live a longer life. My body has been in great shape

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