How Hollywood Gets It All Wrong

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How Hollywood Gets It All Wrong In our world today sometimes it is hard to separate reality and fiction. When it comes to interrogating prisoners Hollywood and reality are on totally different pages. For some people television becomes reality and this behavior is unacceptable. In our society today we have all kinds of entertainment available. Between television, video games, and the internet our lives are filled with media. It is hard to believe how these types of entertainment influence people. We should be more careful what we bring into our homes. With the Internet you do everything you can to block websites that are inappropriate. It’s important that we make sure the video games that our families play are also appropriate. When it comes to TV programming you think it is fine because it’s on national TV. The reality is TV is as bad as the internet and videogames and we should be careful what we watch with our families. Programs like 24 hours, ABC’s Lost, ABC’s Alias, and NBC’s Law & Order do influence the viewers, whether they realize it or not. These programs are not entertainment. They should be banned from television like pornography is. It does not speak well of us as a society to show these things on national television. After reading some articles on Interrogation and torture, I’ve come to realize that Hollywood gets it all wrong on the subject. Torture as entertainment is irresponsible. As portrayed on the television show “24 hours” Hollywood writers use torture as a form of interrogation. They make this process look easy and normal. They usually get what they are looking for and have very little consequences for their actions. The interrogator is unaffected by what he has done and is portrayed as a hero. In real life torture in interrogating prisoners is ineffective. From the June 2005 magazine The Atlantic In the article Truth Extraction

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