How Far Do You Agree That for the Gdr the Results of the Building of the Berlin Wall Proved to Be Mainly Negative?

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How far do you agree that for the GDR the results of the building of the Berlin Wall proved to be mainly negative? The building of the Berlin Wall affected East Germany in numerous ways. Many could argue that the affects were mainly negative as it seemed to highlight the oppressive lifestyle scheme of the GDR in comparison to that of the FRG. Although it can also be argued that the building of the Berlin Wall was not at all negative as it is considered to have pushed occupants in order to make society more successful. Overall I think that the building of the Berlin Wall could actually have had a more positive effect. On the one hand it may be argued that the results of building the wall were mainly negative as it led to a great deal of tension between the two sides. The wall separated many families and friends and this persuaded Willy Brandt to do a demonstration in response. Due to the uncertainty of whether they could be anything to follow military forces were strengthened in the FRG. In 1961 USA sent an additional 40,000 soldiers to Europe, the majority to West Berlin. This will have negatively impacted the GDR as the West will have become stronger due to the building of the in response to building of the Wall and will have caused any relationship between the two sides to disintegrate. Although it could also be argued that there was a positive effect to the building of the Berlin Wall. It is thought that this may have increased stability within the GDR since they had a greater idea of the lifestyle that they were to live by which had a psychological impact encouraging people to work harder in order to create a more successful socialist society. Therefore this will have positively affected the GDR. It is also believed that the construction of the Berlin Wall eased the domestic situation for the GDR government as it was far easier for them to plan domestic and
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