How Far Do You Agree That the Russo Japanese War Was the Biggest Cause of the 1905 Revolution in Russia?

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Tsar Nicholas II had always desired imperial expansion to the Far East. Russia clashed with Japan over shared interests in China and Korea. This resulted in the Russo Japanese war to break out. The 1905 Revolution was a different matter; however, they are both connected to each other. The 1905 Revolution was initiated from a peaceful protest by the Surfs but soon transformed into something much bigger. Although the Russo Japanese war played a significant part there was also a variety of other contributing factors; including the great famine, Nicholas II, Bloody Sunday and a society divided by autocracy. Firstly, how significant was the Russo Japanese war? In August 1904 Tsar Nicholas II declared war over the Japanese as they refused to let him have Korea under the soviet sphere of influence. Russia was naturally seen as the superior military power of the two but they failed to utilise this. Russia needed Port Arthur as a war water port for military and maritime trade all year round. Vladivostok was only operational in the summer months so the Russians relied heavily on Port Arthur. Yet, in January 1905 the Russians were forced to surrender Port Arthur to the Japanese. However, the greatest humiliation came at the battle of Tsushima in May 1905. Russia lost 25-35 warships in this clash. Many mistakes were key to the loss of this war. To begin with the Japanese were far better prepared to tackle disease with medical water testing devices. As well as this the Trans-Siberian railway was still unfinished and this meant that Russia struggled to move its troops and supplies form west to east. At the end of the war Russia lost the southern half of Sakhalin and Port Arthur. The Russian people were humiliated and ultimately blamed Nicholas II for their loss of pride as well as territory. Even the Tsars most supportive biographer concluded that this ‘disastrous and unnecessary

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