How Far Do Sources 1 and 2 Challenge the Reasons for British Involvement in the Bour War Given in Source 3?

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Part A: study sources 1 2 & 3. How far do sources 1 and 2 challenge the reasons for British involvement in the Bour war given in source 3? Explain your answer, using the evidence of sources 1, 2 and 3. The Bour war, by many historians accounts, a brutal war fought by many for the profit of a few. At the time, many noted on how discovery of gold and diamonds in the region lead to war such as the Manchester Guardian (source 1) and Lloyd George (source 2) though these few were overshadowed by the vast majority of influential figures and newspapers at the time. The Manchester Guardian, often regarded as a socialist paper, took a strong liberal stance before, during and after the war. It is not surprising that the newspaper would take this stance especially after the break down of negotiations which occurred shortly before this article was published; the paper would have seen this as a breach of basic human rights as the Boers were willing to agree to terms to stop the war. The paper also was not blind to the profits that were potentially to gain by British intervention this lead to the concept of the war being “waged on behalf of capitalists” but as it is a radical liberal newspaper which has a reader base to satisfy so this may be a dramatization of the spirit behind the statement likewise when the statement reads “[in regards to the war] not in the real interests of the Empire” which is clearly an overstatement as the war would increase the Empire’s land ownership and give a large monetary increase making it able to further its own agenda. These ideas are not mentioned in Joseph Chamberlin’s address to parliament just 6 months before stating categorically that the war is in both the best interests of the Empire by “going to war in defence of the principles upon which the British Empire has been founded.” but also in the defence of the British people residing in

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