Two and a quarter billion dollars is a large sum of money, and if the United States were to lose this money, it would have more than likely been catastrophic and it would've brought about economic collapse in America. It was vital that in some way, the United States ensured the return of their borrowed money. At the time, many people were aware of the massive amounts of money funded in the war. In opposition to Woodrow Wilson's War Message, Senator George W. Norris talked about the money that has been spent.We have loaned many hundreds of millions of dollars to the Allies in
They would kick the Indian out of their land and take it for their own, The United States quickly became one of the twentieth century’s most powerful nations after settling more than three million square miles of rich, diverse land. But despite all the riches it came at a great cost and destruction to the American Indians. The warfare between the US and the Indians began as early as 1809 and lasted until 1890, to which the Indians losing and being forced to live on reservations. Despite military involvement in early wars with the Indians, the final conquest was the white settlers wrestling land from them. One conflict was the gold rush of 1849, where some gold was found in what is now California, and millions of settlers went west to get rich on gold, and in the process fought with the Spanish who lived out there, and then killed many Indians who also settled in that land.
However it could be argued that Wilhelm II’s aims to crush socialism in response to Caprivi’s tolerance for Socialism in his years as chancellor disagree with this view as it suggests he is aiming for more of an autocratic state where he holds state control. Another notable factor which suggests Germany was a parliamentary democracy is Wilhelm II could ignore the views of the centre party; failed attempts to previously dismiss them such as the Kulturkampf were a failure because the party’s strong political views are extremely influential, and they have always had a substantial amount of seats in the party. This in turn meant the government was influenced by the parliament. However, there were many events which demonstrate the Kaiser
The only territory remaining were the American Indians located in Colorado. A major driving force that sparked this massacre was the gold and silver rush that attracted white settlers to this region. This created a considerable amount of anger toward the Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians. Involvement of U.S settlers in their land produced violence between both parties, however, after the Civil war violence intensified even more. Throughout this historical era, a series of wars continued with U.S expansion for the rest of 19th century, however, the battle of Sand Creek illustrated a disturbing massacre by the United States that could have been avoided.
Emma Cave Adv. American II Mr. Barry 10/15/09 Advanced American II Term Paper: Organized Crime of the 1920’s & 30’s The 1920’s and 30’s was a difficult time for American society. Many resorted to lives of crime because they thought they had no other option or thought it was a better way to make money then an honest job. Others adored and idolized these outlaws, thinking they were heroes. In these times the justice department experienced much trouble from the Underworld they sought to try and get rid of, only to end up being used by them.
A significant percentage of company flotations were fraudulent during the nineteenth century. Although the behaviour of the corrupt businessman provoked outrage and, when caught and convicted, a hefty prison sentence, he was usually described as an exception to the rule, a 'black sheep' or a 'rotten apple' in contemporary parlance. He was not conceived as a member of those who, particularly in the 1860s, the Victorians labelled as 'the criminal class'. | Overall crime had definitely increased during the industrial revolution as there were much more different items you could thieve so this was a big temptation for people to steal. Also the increase in robbery.
Unfortunately, similar to the Roman Empire, its fall was both unanticipated and catastrophic. With two world wars, the fall of a long dominant region (Europe) and the rise to power of two new superpowers, the world had changed. The empire fell due a fortunate combination of motives: the anti-imperialist ideology of the US, public opinion in Britain, the appearance of Europe as an alternative, the strong rise of nationalism and most importantly economic distress in Britain. Even though they were all interlinked and nationalism received a lot of attention by the media and historians alike, the underlying factor was that of financial crisis. Nationalism was partly responsible for the rapid fall of British Empire.
Some diamonds have helped fund devastating civil wars in Africa, destroying the lives of 3.7 million people. Conflict diamonds are those sold in order to fund armed conflict and civil war. Profits from the trade in conflict diamonds, worth billions of dollars, were used by warlords and rebels to buy arms during the devastating wars in Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Sierra Leone. While the wars in Angola and Sierra Leone are now over and fighting in the DRC has decreased, the problem of conflict diamonds hasn't gone away. Diamonds mined in rebel-held areas in Côte d'Ivoire, a West African country in the midst of a volatile conflict, are reaching the international diamond market.
The portrayal of how citizens should triumph over an oppressive government and free the state from authoritarian shackles is a harshly debated topic both within academics and media. Hollywood, and other movie industries, generally adapts a more violent form of social movements and revolutions due to the fact that, generally, explosions & action scenes sell more than Indian workers on hunger strike. One of the newer blockbusters “V for Vendetta” had been fairly important icon many recent riots and social movements such as Arab Spring, Gezi Protests & Occupy Wall Street... Etc. In the movie, the main character,V, opposes the oppressive and authoritarian British government of 2020 (Smith 2006).
I have heard many a tale of people entering into politics in the hope that they will gain wealth and power and that usually is the reason for their downfall. The well-known characters of Adolf Hitler of Germany and Shaka Zulu of South Africa were individuals from two different ends of the planet yet their intensions were shockingly similar, Adolf wanted Europe, much like Napoleon before him, and Shaka wanted South Africa. None of these people succeeded, but upon closer inspection I had an