How does Willy Russell make us laugh at the mischief of the children and cry at the

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The play Our Day out was written in 1977 by Willy Russell. one of Russell's most famous plays . Our day out is the story of a group of Liverpool school children on a coach outing with two main teachers, Mr Briggs - a disciplinarian and Mrs Kay - a liberal and teacher of progress class. The children were from inner city Liverpool. Their use of slang and dialect would be matched by the local accent, and would contrast strongly with the standard English spoken by their teachers. Carol Chandler who is both the first and last character we meet. during the course of the day she becomes aware of the fact that she is trapped into her social situation by virtue of her background and abilities. She shows maturity by saying "Ey you, y'not supposed t'touch em" but then she gives in "m gonna call mine Freddy, hiya Freddy, hello, Freddy, Freddy." Milton, Andrews and Ronson are younger children whose function within the play is to provide light relief as when they are picked on. Although Ronson does reveal some intelligence when watching the bear in its pit. Linda and Karen are evidently out to use the day in order to try and impress Colin in both their dress and their attitude. For both have a crush on him. For example kinda says “ Sir y' comin to sit by me are y” Reilly and digga are the older tougher boys smocking a sly cigarette at the back of the coach and aggravating Colin and Susan until they specifically Reilly. Mrs Kay the teacher of the progress class and the leader of the day out. Her main concern is that the children should have an enjoyable day and to that end she is prepared to allow them to behave as they wish, so long as they also consider other people. Mr Briggs is the deputy head teacher who is sent on the trip at the last minute by the head teacher. He is concerned that the trip , which he has no part in organizing is not going to be held

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