How Does the Role of the War, in "Mother Courage and Her Children", and Dictatorship, in "Death and the Maiden", Affects the Two Main Characters in the Plays

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To understand and analyze both plays, it is needed to understand the context of both plays. "Mother Courage and Her Children" was written in the period of the Second World War by German playwright and theatre director Bertolt Brecht. Brecht was in exile when he finally finished writing the play in 1939. "Mother Courage and Her Children" is one of the plays Brecht wrote in an attempt to counter the rise of Fascism and Nazism. Being a communist, Brecht also openly criticized capitalism inside the play. The play is an example of Epic Theatre, and as a way to alienate the viewers from the events they had just passed in the Second World War; the play is set out during the period of 1618 to 1648, in this 30-year war. Differently to "Mother Courage and Her Children", "Death and the e Maiden" is a critique by author Ariel Dorfman to the Chilean Dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet during the years of 1973 to 1990, and all the problems faced by a country tormented by a dictatorship transitioning to a democracy. Similarly to Brecht, Dorfman does not specify the location of the play, only that it is "a country that is probably Chile but could be any country that has given itself a democratic government just after a long period of dictatorship". The play has both specificity and a universality making it extremely topical in the late-twentieth century era of tentative political transformation. Brecht clear first critique to the war is already in the first scene of the play. What may go unnoticed by the common reader, in the first scene there is a grotesque description of how the citizens of the world rely on war to hold civilization together. As stated by one of the characters in the play, "peace as war undeclared", and this view is repetitive throughout the play. Mother Courage is presented to the reader for the first time as an emblem of the way the play's society seems

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