How Does the Narrative Methods Between ‘My Last Duchess’ and ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ Compare?

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In ‘My Last Duchess’ 1842 and ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ 1836, Browning uses a range of narrative methods to convey the story. This includes the use of enjambment, rhyme schemes and alternation between the past and present; all of which contribute in building tension within the poems. In both of the dramatic monologues there is a single stanza and speaker to narrate the story. However, in ‘My Last Duchess’ Browning uses the rhyme scheme AABB with iambic pentameter whereas in ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ the rhyme scheme used is ABABB. This reflects the speaker’s personalities as the Duke seems to have a compulsive character in which he continually discusses the objects he owns, ranging from the Duchess to other notable artworks. Similarly in Porphyria’s lover, the rhyme pattern resembles a heart-beat and the use of enjambment creates a smooth yet repetitive flow. The use of another listener in ‘My Last Duchess’ makes readers doubt the Duke as this prevents him from directly admitting he made the orders for the Duchess to be killed. We are only told there is another person listening to the Duke’s monologue when he asks “Will’t please you sit and look at her?” This demonstrates the lack of knowledge the reader has about the Duke and it reflects how much we should really trust the Duke. On the other hand, Porphyria’s lover doesn’t have an audience therefore he is more honest about his actions, although this does not mean that readers are more trusting of him in a personal sense but rather that we believe he is giving a true account of Porphyria’s murder. However, it is clear that his love for her puts him in doubt; his repetition that “she felt no pain” implies that he was trying to convince himself rather than others that he did her a favour. The change between the past and present in the poems suggest that the speakers may have difficulty forgetting their respective partners.

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