How Does Swindell Create Sympathy In Stone Cold?

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How does Swindells build sympathy for Link? I think Robert Swindells tries to make us feel sorry, sympathise and empathise for the character Link by making him, who is in this horrible and terrible situation of ending up on the streets and ending up homeless because of his mother’s new and brutish boyfriend in his home, which we wouldn’t be able to bear, cope or even manage with in life. I am going to be writing the points, evidences and explanations (PEE) about how Robert Swindells makes us feels sorry for Link and my personal opinions on how I think Link feels and why and also using good quotes to support my answers. First of all, one of the ways which Robert Swindells portrays Link as a character which we can feel sympathy for is by having him talking directly to the 2nd person. One example of a quote is “You should see what a state Vince gets into.” He also often uses rhetorical questions for example, the use of the quote “Good ‘eh?” This allows us to be drawn into his way of thinking and we can try to understand and everything he is going through. By him actually speaking to us, it’s almost like he wants us to empathise with him. Second of all, we can all also feel sympathetic for Link because of the way he describes sleeping on the streets in a lot of and really great detail, one example of a quote is “It’s going to be hard and cold.” One other example of a quote is “ January..... It’s going to be quite a struggle.” Both of these examples allow us to picture Link all alone, trying to keep warm in the cold and dangerous streets. Straight after we read this, we feel sorry for him. Third of all, Link is also shown to be a sympathetic character, because he is often alone in the streets. One example of a quote is “So you lie listening.” This example shows how vulnerable and defenceless Link is, while being in the streets as well as upset, scared and
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