How Does Shakespeare Create Dramatic Tension in Act 2, Scene 2 of 'Macbeth'?

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In Act 2 scene 2 of "macbeth" by william shakespeare, he has made the scene where King Duncan gets murdered by Macbeth dramatically effective . Shakespeare has done this with the help of techniques such as the use of audience's imagination, short monosymballic words and contrast throughout the scene. Although we do not actually witness the murder of King Duncan, Act 2 scene 2 is a very violent and intense part of Macbeth. The bloody details supplied by the audience's imagination are much worse than anything that could be done . The scene takes place at night, where the darkness creates an atmosphere . The dramatic tension of this scene is from the gloomy atmosphere as well as the audience's imagination. This is effective as the atmosphere foreshadows the death of duncan as well as the other deaths further in the play and the imagination of duncan's death is far more vivid than what can be performed onstage. In Act 2, scene 2 only two characters are on stage, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Shakespeare has used the strained discussion between them to produce a dramatically tense scene. An example of this is, "My hands are of your colour; but I shame to wear a heart so white." Lady Macbeth is shown to be a strong, woman without guilt. Macbeth on the other hand is seen to be the victim of fate and has no control over his actions. . The two characters of this scene are different, creating a contrast which pulls the audience between the two opposite reactions and builds dramatic tension. This is effective because the contrast has shown the different sides of the two characters as well as the difference between the two characters A finaly way Shakespeare has made this scene dramatically effecitve is with the use of monosyllabic words.An example is in Lady Macbeth's monologue 'Hark! Peace!' Using these words, recreate the fear that she is feeling to the audience, as they
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