How Does Plato Use His Cave Allegory To Explain His Theory Of Knowledge?

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One of Plato's most famous teachings is his allegory of the cave. Plato believed that truth was beyond our world, and that we live in an illusion. To find the truth we must pierce through the vale and discover true reality. Plato used this allegory to help explain his views on knowledge, and how one can really find it. Plato did not believe in knowledge gained through senses, he was against the empiricist belief, that knowledge depends on sensory organs, as the world is in constant change so there are no solid truths in the world is always in a state of change, “ you cannot step into the same river twice”, Heraclitus states. Plato wants to denote this view and show how humanity has become heavily dependent on our senses not our logic. He believed that the soul knows the true realty but is obstructed by the body as the soul had dwelled in the realm of the perfect Forms. He believes that people have concepts of the ideal Forms because our soul possesses them before we are born. We know what beauty and justice is without having experienced it in perfect Form so to Plato knowledge was a recollection of what our souls already knew while in the perfect external realm In the allegory of the cave is this. In the cave there a humans who have been chained at the head and the legs so as to only see the wall in which they are placed. The fire behind these figures creates shadows or illusions which the prisoners see as their reality. The objects cast on the wall are projected by people walking past with certain objects such as puppets. They have been in this state since they were born so they have grown into their ignorance. The cave also has an exit, a journey into the light, into knowledge the philosopher’s journey for knowledge. The cave represents a trapped existence from knowledge and by the prisoners seeing incomplete realities on the wall it also
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