How Does Harper Lee Use Scouts First Day to Introduce Us to Important Aspects of the Novel?

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How does Harper Lee use Scouts first day to introduce us to important aspects of the novel? Harper Lee has a unique style of writing that she uses to bring out characters emotions and personality’s in ‘To Kill a Mocking Bird’. She uses themes she hopes with evoke the readers sympathetic and empathetic feelings. Lee uses this style in the school scene (chapter 2 and 3) to introduce the reader to new information about the town ‘Maycomb’ and the life style of its occupants through the teacher and pupils of Scouts first class. Each child in this chapter represents their family (as how every member of a family acts goes towards their reputation) and children like ‘Walter Cunningham’ show the reader the economic problems in Alabama at the time, while children like ‘little Chuck Little’ showed how all the boys in Macomb had been brought up with the manners to be a proper gentleman, with the exception of ‘Burris Ewell’, who showed the meaning of what was thought of as ‘white trash’. In the school scene Miss Caroline try’s to give money to ‘Walter Cunningham’ when he hasn’t got any lunch but he won’t accept it. Scout says this after Miss Caroline try’s to give Walter a quarter. “Miss Caroline, he’s a Cunningham. The Cunningham’s never took anything they can’t pay back”. Harper Lee try’s to show us through the characters words that in Maycomb there are different classes. The Finches are poor but the Cunningham’s have nothing at all to pay anyone back with which makes them below working class. This quote shows how Harper Lee has written this scene to show readers the aspect of different standards of living in Maycomb. The different classes of family’s were very important because it went towards your reputation and although the Cunningham’s were very poor, the fact they wouldn’t accept anything they couldn’t pay back showed that they were a very proud family. In another

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