How Do You Design and Conduct a Specific Training Programme?

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Exceptional training does not happen by chance. Behind it is the secret of well thought-out design, extensive preparation and market research. Putting it straight, content development is the outcome of job-related examples, industry updates, research-based information, blending various activities to suit multiple learning styles, generating need to instigate thinking process, and incorporating experiential learning to engage participants. Stages to designing and conducting training 1. Understanding training Need: It’s important to recognize specific training need in terms of desired learning outcome. Steps to understand specific training need Identify Problem area Map preferred learning outcome Establish desired results Outline development areas 2. Developing a training plan: Once development area is set around the need it’s time to develop a session plan based on time, participant’s profile and core skills to be learned. A separate section to each learning objective is dedicated known as learning window. Opening and closing of the same is framed, followed with valuable inputs, activities, assessments and evaluation. Developing a training plan undergoes following stages • Opening each learning window (Generate need among participants, why they should attend specific training, what they will learn and how they will be benefitted) • Message under each learning window (Explain each skill set that is to be learned) • Building Relevance & Practical Applicability (Allocating various styles and activities to each skill set, assessing its importance, consequences and effectiveness in real-life) • Closing each learning window (Summarizing key learning points, creating an action plan, exploring strategic ways to implement action plan) 3. Allocating Methodologies: There are mainly four different types of learning styles; Auditory,

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