How Do Webster and Shakespeare Use the Duchess of Malfi and Othello as a Forum to Explore a Typical Corrupt Patriarchal Society?

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How do Webster and Shakespeare use The Duchess of Malfi and Othello as a forum to explore a typical corrupt patriarchal society?

The obsessive male desire to dominate, control and punish women that exists in a corrupt patriarchal society is evidenced in the rigid social hierarchies and moral weakness of the male character, ultimately leading to the deaths of the virtuous and integral female characters. Both playwrights reveal that a patriarchal society although seemingly predicated on the oppression of women, has rules, boundaries and constraints that divide the people into their class, standard of living and level of resentment. In Shakespeare’s Othello there is evidence of strict social barriers and restraints that are shown in Iago’s character in Act 1, Scene 1. He finds himself restricted by the social hierarchy of a 16th century society in which birth and pedigree equate to status and he resents it. “I know my price, I am worth no worse a place” (1.1.11) He envies Cassio’s promotion to lieutenant, the position that he wanted to be in and he determines that it is the fault of his superior, Othello, as even though his master is black he has a higher rank and status because of Othello’s prowess as a general. Iago’s character parallels a low ranking character in the other play, The Duchess of Malfi. Bosola too is denied the opportunity to rise through the tight social structure. “Blackbirds fatten best in hard weather; why not I in these dog days?” (1.1.37) He too searches for a way to raise his profile in society and concludes that entering the corrupt system by employment in the name of Ferdinand, Duke of Calabria his only option, “He and his brother are like plum trees that grow crooked over standing pools; they are o’erladen with fruit, but none but crows, pies, and caterpillars feed on them” (1.1.48) The simile is representative of the

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