How Do the Roles of Lady Macbeth and Squealer Deal with Conflict?

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Lady Macbeth and Squealer are both characters surrounded by conflict. Even though the characters could not be more different, they are forced to deal with the conflict created by their superiors. Lady Macbeth, being the wife of the thane, Macbeth, is expected to care for and serve her husband although this is not the case. In the drama Macbeth, Lady Macbeth is portrayed as a strong minded, anti-feminist female who prays to dark spirits asking them to 'unsex me here', she manipulates people into her way of thinking and constantly works to resolve the conflict arousing in her husband's mind. Similarly, in the novel 'Animal Farm', Squealer soothes over any conflicts the animals have between what they know and what they have been told. Although both characters have complete opposite ways of dealing with conflict, both methods prove effective. In Act 1 Scene 5 of Macbeth, Lady Macbeth tests her husband by speaking to him in puns. She then tries to persuade Macbeth by telling him that if he kills Duncan then; 'our nights and days to come give solely sovereign sway and masterdom'. Lady Macbeth tries to convince Macbeth that killing Duncan would be of great interest to him as it will give him great prosperity. Lady Macbeth is supposed to represent Shakespeare's employer, King James' opinion on all woman, that they persuade men to sin. At the time Macbeth was written, people did not have a very high view on woman as they were seen as inferior to men and only there for the purpose of reproducing and caring of the offspring whilst the men do the important things such as earn money. Modern audiences would not see Lady Macbeth's attitude towards her husband as a shock as men and woman are more or less equal in today's society, however in Elizabethan England her attitude towards her husband would have been seen as shocking. In Animal Farm, Squealer is used by Napoleon to clear

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