Garvey’s significance in reducing racial discrimination in the short term is a debatable question and is highlighted by the rift of historical opinions. Garvey’s ideology and belief in racial pride and black nationalism made him different to other black leaders. This led to immediate support from the black community but also criticism from authorities and other civil rights leaders. On his arrival in 1916 Garvey gained immediate support which coincided with the death of Booker T. Washington. The death of Washington left a space for a new black leader which Garvey intended to fill.
Eisenhower passed the Civil rights Act of 1957, Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and there were others which showed African Americans that progress was being made. The Presidents clearly initiated a change in America making sure de jure became de facto. However, there were many flaws in the work of the Federal Government and there were other factors which changed the status for African Americans such as the impact of the Second World War and the actions of the NAACP. President Harry Truman (1945-1953), established a liberal civil rights committee to investigate the violence against blacks. A report was produced called “To Secure These Rights” which underlined the problems that African Americans faced during this period.
Millions of blacks had left southern farms for northern cities, where they hoped to find better jobs. They found instead crowded conditions in urban slums. Now, black servicemen returned home, intent on rejecting second-class citizenship, as other blacks began to argue that the time was ripe for racial equality Black-white inequality persisted in income, education, health, housing, technology access, and safe communities. There was racial profiling against the African Americans from the whites. In an age of nonviolence belligerence came to forefront.
HOW FAR DO YOU AGREE THAT THE IMPACT OF WORLD WAR II WAS THE MAIN REASON WHY THE POSITION OF AFRICAN AMERICANS IMPROVED IN THE YEARS 1945-1953? There were many factors that led to the change in position of African Americans within the years 1945-53 but the most important of these was the impact of the Second World War as it helped advance the position of Black Americans in society in a number of ways. However, other factors such as the Civil Rights activism seen through the 40’s along with the Supreme Court’s rulings and also Truman’s Presidency helped the advancement of Black Americans. The position of African Americans in 1945 was absolutely appalling. African Americans in the South suffered more because in all aspects of life, they were seen as ‘inferiority enshrined’ citizens when compared with White Americas.
My opinion of Malcolm X is positive. I believe he did good things for the black community in the 1960s. I feel if Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. came together and could have found middle ground to help unify the black community, it would have been most powerful. It probably would have brought together every black citizen in the United States, regardless of background and beliefs. My personal reaction of some things I saw in the film disgusted me.
Most whites, especially in the South did not support the idealistic ideas of reconstructing a better nation for all. They simply didn't want change and the laws created were not going to stop them. They already felt dominated and humiliated by the North after the civil war and principally wanted to hold their ground. Angry over the fact that they shared little political power in the country and that their states were being forced to change from the agricultural slave based ways despite the majority being satisfied, they took it upon themselves to lash out against the new era of reconstruction. The prejudice and discrimination against the blacks and the lack of cooperation from the Southerners greatly affected the original plans of reconstruction.
The foremost advantage of this school was that Washington applied his beliefs of education to situations of Southern regions and economic improvement of the South. Its platforms highlighted industrial training as a means to self-respect and economic independence for black people. Washington had a positive influence on political life trying to resolve racial difficulties and discrimination. Economically, he received backing from philanthropists, and presented and prepared educational programs for black students. In social scope he had a big influence on opinions and life discernment of black population disseminating philosophies of equivalence and skillful labor.
They each had to be overcome, one by one. It was not until men like King arose and educated the black community that many found the courage to stand for what they believed in. It was not until blacks began lovingly demonstrating that awareness was raised. The threat of eminent violence from the militant blacks pushed white moderates into supporting King, realizing that the alternative would be painful for everyone. It took the undoing of years of psychological torment and the reversal of many skewed perceptions to finally take a step forward.
During the period 1955-1968, great changes has happened on racial equality, although still far from complete racial equality, but still moving towards a society without segregation .These changes were mainly caused because of four factors. First of all is the desegregation on education, fair employment, facilities and so on things. Secondly, is the voting rights, voting rights for black people has gained in the period of 19955-1968, this gave the black people more power in hand in the election, which would gain their status in society. More on is the poverty on black people, more and more black people got jobs , this made black people participate a bigger role in the economic society. Finally, the last main factor is the public support
The reason for the riots were because the black powers were getting fed up with the slow change nonviolent protest that Martin Luther King was behind were actually doing for the African Americans. However the riots actually discarded some Martin Luther King’s work as it loss supports from the whites which Martin Luther King had worked hard to gain through peaceful protests. The loss of sympathy and supporters form the whites due to the black powers violent methods can be seen as hindering the black civil rights fight for equality and rights. The riots were broadcasted all over America through media, with the African Americans looking like violent thugs and thus creating a negative perception of them, this again caused a huge loss of sympathetic white supporters. Although the riots