How Did The Cold War Influence Nixon's Politics

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Nixon’s Politics HIS/135 12/10/2011 Conflicts of national interest caused the World War II alliance between the United States and the Soviet Union to be replaced by a Cold War. It was mainly a dispute over the future of Europe, which grew to include conflicts around the world. Although no war between the United States and the Soviet Union was ever officially declared, the leaders of the democratic West and the Communist East faced off against each other in what is known as the Cold War. The Cold War, the war of tensions and nuclear stalemate which described the period immediately after the end of World War II to the fall of Berlin wall. Europe was divided into two sections East and West. On one side, the United States and most of the Western European colonial powers (‘NATO allies’) striven to rebuild as the result of the Marshall Plan (‘European Recovery Program’)((3)U.S.D.S 2011). which stood for “freedom”, at times only in name but often with genuine feeling and commitment. On the other side, the Soviet Russia held Eastern Europe in a grasp of fear and terror.…show more content…
Russia was poor, fearful and had an inferiority complex to the rest of Europe, who now felt even more threatened and open to attack. “Truman's reaction to Stalin's aggressive suppression of dissent in Eastern Europe and asserts that America's intervention was justifiable, and a welcome action for future democracies” (R.N.F 2011). During Truman last 18 months of administration, “the US defense budget quadrupled; and Eisenhower resolved to reduce military spending by brandishing the United States' nuclear superiority while continuing to fight the Cold War effectively” ((2)U.S.D.S
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