How Did Hitler Keep Control in Nazi Germany?

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Potential IGCSE Paper 4 Depth Study Essay Themes Paper 4 themes focus on the significance of individuals; the importance of issues or turning points of events in debates regarding the IGCSE Specification’s specific Focus Points. • ‘Has the importance/significance of X for Y been underestimated?’ (Where X is an individual or issue) • ‘How significant/important was X for Y?’ (Where X is an individual or issue and Y is a specification focus point) • ‘How far was Z a turning point in Y?’ (Where Z is an event and Y is a specification turning point) THE FIRST WORLD WAR (WHY DID GERMANY ASK FOR AN ARMISTICE IN 1918?) • Which of the following best explains Germany’s defeat… o The entry of the USA into the war o The war at sea o Germany’s domestic collapse o The failure of the Ludendorff Offensive + success of the ‘last hundred days’ on the battlefield GERMANY 1918-1945 • What was the key factor in weakening Weimar Germany in its early years? o Versailles and the association with November 1918 o The Economy o Constitutional Weaknesses o Political Issues and Challenges • What was the most significant threat to Weimar Germany specifically in the crisis year of 1923? o The occupation of the Ruhr o Hyperinflation o The Nazi Beer Hall Putsch • What was the biggest cause of Weimar’s ‘recovery’ from 1924-1928 OR To what extent did Weimar actually recover? o Role of Stresemann o Locarno o Role of the USA o General global economic upturn o Weakness of German extremists • What best explains the collapse of Weimar OR the Rise of Hitler 1929-1933? o WSC and the Depression o The failure of Weimar governments to cope o Nazi ideas, propaganda and/or ‘the Hitler effect’ (NB: Role of Goebbels) o German left-wing division and weaknesses o The role of the German ‘elites’  Short-term political machinations involving Hindenburg, von Papen and
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