How Did Cleopatra Come To Power

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Cleopatra VII used her charm, wisdom and sexuality to rule and increase her kingdom through the help of men who were medley in love with her. She had a power over men which she used to her own advantage ,,It was a pleasure merely to hear the sound of her voice, with which, like an instrument of many things, she could pass from one language to another,,. (What kind of women p.5). Sources have the same opinion to the fact that Cleopatra’s charm was outstanding and her presence astonishing. (bibliography p3) She also knew how to look her best and even wrote a book about cosmetics. ( what kind of women p5) In another words she knew her way around men and tricked some of the powerful men at that time into helping her to stay on a throne…show more content…
The first men conquered by her magnetism was Caesar, at that time the most powerful men in the world. Cleopatra distinguished that Egypt needed Roman help, but paying money for help was a danger to the state. (what kind p.3..) She also was aware that being around her family was dangerous. (what kind p3..) Cleopatra needed help and protection from a strong political figure therefore her first victim was Caesar. She charmed him by rolling her self up in the rug and had herself delivered to Caesar. ( what kind of women p.4) Despite the looks Cleopatra’s political and intellectual skills, and her mastery of the language made Caesar admire and have a high regard for Cleopatra( my 15). Caesar adored Cleopatra so much that he even had a gold statue of Cleopatra mounted next to the statue of the goddess to indicate Cleopatra’s political power (my book p.92) Caesar was ready to do anything for his mistress and when support came he squelched the mutinous Egyptian army for his qeen( what kind of women p. 5) He strengthen Cleopatra’s position as queen of Egypt and from 47 to 30 BC Cleopatra ruled independently (book Egypt p.24) In the Spring of 47 BC Caesar and Cleopatra departed to a cruise on the Nile ( Egypt p.24). ,,It was not sybaritic private cruise but a procession charged with political meaning”. ( the Nile cruise). The journey served several purposes, to…show more content…
That was where Mark Anthony came handy. Cleopatra was aware of two battles at Philippi which was a success for Octavian and Anthony(Egypt p.25) . She was also aware that Anthony was Octavian right hand and that all of the captured provinces as well as the custody of the united kingdoms went to Anthony (Egypt p.25). Cleopatra realized that Octavian can be dangerous for her so she captured the heart of Anthony. When Anthony send for Cleopatra to meet with him at Taros in Cilicia in order to assure Egypt’s loyalty to him, Cleopatra appeared in front of him as a glittering spirit, the incarnation of Isis-Aphrodite (Egypt p.26) .This incarnation was delimited by extraordinary effects (Egypt p.26). To Anthony Cleopatra was an Aphrodite, Queen of love for the rest of his life (my p.15) This meeting had been proposed to terrify Cleopatra instead Anthony felled in love (Egypt p26). This is a perfect example of how queen of Egypt demonstrated her amazing talent for diplomatic influence which unquestionably established Egypt’s future. ( Egypt p.26). After Cleopatra and Anthony became lovers they made an agreement that Anthony will help her to fight her anomies and kill her sister Arsinoe, in return she will pay for his Partian campaign ( what kind of women p.6….). Anthony was blinded by Cleopatra’s love. To satisfy his queen Antony gradually moved to restore
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