How Did Christianity Influence America

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Christian Influence Christianity has had an effect on countless number of topics globally. Yet nationally America has had its Christian influences as well. In early America religious thought was mostly tide to severe Puritanism. Or, it was thought to be part of European church life that somehow made its way across the seas. Theology had shifted dramatically from European thought and become very much American way of thought. Religious thinkers became such masters of Christian theology that thought and moral reasoning played a big part in influencing the course of America. Christianity has impacted the Americans life since before the founding fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence and drafted The Constitution. As authors and co-signers of America’s rudder and backbone the fore fathers indirectly have affected the life of every American. The Christian influence can be noted in correspondence the forefathers wrote to each other. Other Christian influence are found on the walls of monuments, court houses of Americas Capitol, and the library of Congress Signer of the Declaration of Independence and second president of the United States John Adams wrote. “The general principles on which the…show more content…
It was the action of its forefathers that has allowed the American nation to take its place as a leader in the world today. The Fathers of America came from many religions and faiths, some had no faith, but they all saw the wisdom and morality in the Ten Commandments, and they knew a nation without law would not last or be strong. The courage and strength it took the American fathers to agree on inalienable rights that were the rights of all humans. The resolve the American fathers had to see the task through, to stay the course, Declare Independence. Draft and sign the Constitution. Declare to the world that America was one nation Under God was quite an
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