How Can You Learn to Swim Without Getting Wet?

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How can you learn to swim without getting wet? Three ideas immediately spring to mind when asked this question: one serious, one not so serious and one unrealistic. The unrealistic one is wear a deep sea diver’s suit, or Atmospheric diving suit to give them their proper title. Initially it sounds like a great idea as they are completely waterproof and you could learn how to swim underwater without having to hold your breath. But when you consider the weight of the suit it becomes obvious in order to use this method you would have to be fairly strong, or start hitting the gym for 6 – 12 months. By that point you would have started wondering, is it worth trying to learn to swim this way for the effort required. The second idea is to laminate yourself, so the water slides right off your plastic-infused skin. I don’t have to explain this is the silly idea, and feel enough has been said about this idea by merely suggesting it. My final idea is to find a substance with the same properties as water, but is not a liquid. A very thick jelly for example would do the trick. I would argue that when swimming in jelly you wouldn’t be getting wet, you’d be getting dirty. This “lateral thinking” inspired idea means the process of learning to swim would be the same as children who go to leisure centres, the difference is how much time, money, patience and insanity it would require. On a serious note I do realise the real question being asked. I realise My University aren’t trying to come up with a new initiative to teach people with a crippling fear of water how to swim. The real question being asked, in my opinion, is “How can you do anything without actually doing it?” Using the initial question as an example you could give it a go trying to swim without swimming, but you wouldn’t learn as well as you could be if you were in the water, jumping in at the deep end. To get

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