How Bad Parenting Affect Children

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According to “A parent is a caretaker in the family.” Thus Poor parenting skills can be as simple as not listening to your child, not being there, not doling out consequences, teaching bad habits, providing unhealthy food and setting bad examples are all poor parenting skills. Therefore I strongly agree that poor parenting is responsible for deviance in the society. In a family magazine dated June 21, 2003, Dr. Hakim Ginott state that “A child’s laughter and his tears have equal importance. I would not want to take away from him disappointment, sorrow, grief. Emotions ennoble character. The deeper we feel, the more human we become. Parents need to explore the idea that we are not here solely to serve our children. Parents are here to love and teach them to feel good about themselves, to like themselves, that they are worthy of respect, and that their feelings and ideas have value. Parents have the right to express our anger, hurt, values, and expectations. Not by insulting and punishing, but by listening, modelling the behavior we want to teach, and discipline as needed.” In other words, Parents are not to put them in a situation to provoke unhappiness but during the inevitable challenges of life, we can teach children how they can be part of the solution. It is also an opportunity for them to mature and grow emotionally. Thus, many parents ponder on their roles in their child’s life. Whatever good role parents may choose to play, they may appear to be bad actors, unfortunately. Often parents have to play too many roles, and therefore they act poorly. To raise a child it takes a village, a well known saying teaches us. However, in the modern life a parent has to do it all alone. An ordinary mother tries to be a mommy, a nanny, a caregiver, a cook, a servant, a playmate, a friend, a teacher, a tutor, a planner, a
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