How Are Water Quality Standards Determined?

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How Are Water Quality Standards Determined? No name EVS 1001-51 June 25, 2012 Professor Thomas Rich How Are Water Quality Standards Determined? The earth is made up of mostly water even though we may not notice or see it, but water plays a very important part of life even though we may not think of it. Just our day to day activity everybody needs water at least seventy five percent of the day whether it’s to drink, cook, or wash its needed. Often times people use the water people never stop to think or wonder where are we receiving the water or the quality of the water that are used in the food we eat. Not too many people question the quality of the water they use on an average day to day use. Water quality can be used to measure of the suitability of water for a particular use based on the selected physical, biological and chemical characteristics. Water quality is measured with federally regulation to qualified standards safety before it can pass as drinking or useable water. Water has to go through a series of test and analyzing to pass suitable for people to use, dissolving mineral content, bacteria and many other processes to make it suitable for once particular use. The public water supplies is approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) The primary drinking water process remove all chemicals, microbial pathogens and active elements that is unsafe to drink this is standard set the Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) is the highest concentrations chemical that are allowed in our drinking water. The secondary process removal is the chloride, odor, copper, iron and more completely remove solid and zinc all these will affect the water color, taste, odor and looks this is also known as Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level ( SMEL). The state have mandated agencies that will be responsible for monitoring the

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