how are traditions beneficial to society

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In today’s world, some traditions do have beneficial qualities. You can see this with the example of holidays because mostly all holidays serve a purpose. As an example, the first Thanksgiving was a feast the Pilgrims had with the local Indians to celebrate a bountiful harvest. Today, Thanksgiving has numerous beneficial purposes, and the most important is that it brings families together. It also serves to give thanks to everything that has been beneficial to one’s life. It makes one realize everything that has positively influenced his or her life that he or she may normally have taken for granted. This holiday also gets people to reach out to help the community. As you can see, the benefits that result from traditions are indispensable. There are so many other examples, and we can use these traditions and rituals to have a connection with our past. It provides us a discussion about how things were done and who did them in the past. These memories include how things felt, how they tasted, how they sounded and how they smelled, and all of this basically linked our past generations. All the stories that our grandparents or parents told us as children bring us back to a memory of the past that we try to capture today and hopefully tomorrow with our own children. This is what keeps the bind between the past, the present and the future. I remember hearing that families that have the strongest ties will have the most traditions or rituals in their life. I believe that these rituals offer a sense of continuity, understanding, and love that makes a family close. You can especially see how traditions give security to young children because they depend on them year after year. The common types of traditions include: celebration traditions, like holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, etc. Another type of tradition is the family traditions. These

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