How Are the Relationships Between Humans and Nature Important for Moving Towards Sustainability?”

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In the following essay I will discuss the extent of importance to which the relationship between humans and nature affects the global ability to reach sustainability by integrating three separate approaches. Firstly I will explore different interpretations of the words “nature” and “sustainability”, secondly I will evaluate the relationships that exist between humans and nature and finally I will consider the consequences that these relationships have on attaining sustainability so that I can determine a solution how humans and nature can effectively interact in order to reach sustainability. The different interpretations of nature vary according to three fundamental views on nature namely being ‘biocentrism’ – the view extending to non-human species, ‘anthropocentrism’ – the view centred around human significance and ‘ecocentrism’ which encompasses the entire ecosystem including both human and non-human organisms. Low, Gleeson, Green and Radovic (2005, p.74) define nature as “the vast domain of organic and inorganic matter that is not a product of human activity or intervention…” in The Green City. This biocentric view presents the argument that humans are distinct from nature due to their acts of reshaping and modifying the natural environment however, if one was to limit the influence of humans on the natural environment the line between what is natural and what is unnatural or human becomes very fine. Thus one should reconsider whether the definition of ‘nature’ excludes humankind, as humans are essentially a product of nature. It is important not to confuse what is human and non-human with what is natural and non-natural. If one were to categorise what is natural and non-natural according to the above definition humans, a product of nature, would be considered natural whilst certain human products would not. This is because although these products of

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