Hotel Rwanda Essay

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Hotel Rwanda Assignment 1. In Africa in a little town called Rwanda is two types of people Hutus and Tutsis. Those who are Tutsis are classified as the more prettier people of society. They have characteristics that Hutus don't possess such as lighter skin or skinnier noses. Even though Tutsis are a minority they still were in charge. However, tensions built between the Hutus and the Tutsis causing a civil war to take place. The main character is Paul Rusesabagina, who is a symbol of social justice and is the movies hero. He is Hutu, but his wife Tatiana is Tutsi making their children Tutsi as well and victim to the ethnic cleaning that is being performed by the Interhamwe to rid of all Tutsis. Paul is the manager of the Collines Hotel where the supplier George Rutaganda and him do not get along as George is the leader of the anti-Tutsi Interhamwe. Paul and his family witness the brutal beatings and murders of their Tutsi neighbours and in desperation his remaining neighbours hide out in Paul's house looking to seek safety. This does not last long as a Rwandan Army officer threatens Paul and his family and the only way Paul is able to bring them to the safety of the hotel is by lying and saying they are all Tutsis. When they get to the hotel the officers find out he was lying and only let them go after Paul bribes them with money and alcohol. After Paul manages to not only hide and keep his family safe but the UN camp, Red Cross and local orphans as well. As genocide worsens it seems that no one not even the UN peacekeeping forces led by Colonel Oliver are able to stop the Interhamwe from their inhumane ways. However, foreign tourists are evacuated while the local Rwandans are left behind. In order to save the refuges Paul speaks to the Army General Bizimungu bribing him to let them go. When this doesn't work Paul takes matter into his own hands and takes the

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