Hopes and Fears of Jewish Assimilation

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Hopes |Fears | | |The Jewish population felt they had a good future to look |Not all Jews were as keen to assimilate as the liberal, | |forward to, due to assimilation taking place. |educated and professional majority. | |They had greater legal protections than ever before. Jews were|Assimilation seemed terrifying to some. They thought that they| |slowly getting the same rights as fully German people. |could loose their Jewish identity. | |Many Jews achieved economic and social success during the time|Not all Jews thought it was possible. They knew that | |assimilation was being put into action. |Anti-Semitism would always exist in Germany no matter what. | |Intermarriage was at an all-time high -1927, 54% of all |The rates of suicide and divorce were twice as high for Jewish| |marriages of Jews were mixed. |Germans than for the population as a whole. | |Many Jews were converting to Christianity, such as the famous |There was also fear and uncertainty about how to respond to | |musician Otto Klemperer. In 1927, more than 1,000 Jews lapsed |anti-Semitism. Jews were being racially attack on the streets | |from Judaism. |by full German people. | |The incidence of anti-Semitism seemed to be lessening- one |Not really Jewish, not really German. Jews were afraid that | |Jewish writer suggested that “If not yet fully overcome, it is|they would be stuck in a sort of Limbo. | |at least on its way out.” | | |Membership of the German Zionist Federation dropped to 17,000 |Zionists
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