Honorable Lady Essay

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Definition of an Honorable Lady I apologize to Mr. Garcia for the way the class and I were acting today and also the past couple of days in his classes History and English and that I, myself was not being an honorable lady, that I was being disrespectful and not acting the way an honorable lady should act. An honorable lady is someone who behaves, is courteous to her fellow classmates and especially the teacher, an honorable lady is a lady who is honest and kind to others, an honorable lady is a lady who is respectful who does not disrupt the class, an honorable lady does not talk back to the teacher, an honorable lady does not waste the time of other students, an honorable lady does not make fun of people, an honorable lady does not interrupt her fellow classmates when they are asking a question or answering it, an honorable lady does not laugh at the teacher, An honorable lady does not throw things across the room, or leave trash on the floor. The exact definition of honorable is: of high rank, dignity, or distinction; noble, illustrious, or distinguished worthy of honor and high respect estimable creditable. Honest, noble, just. Possessing or characterized by high principles: honorable intentions worthy of or entitled to honor or esteem consistent with or bestowing honor. The exact definition for a lady is a woman who is refined, polite, and well-spoken a woman of high social position or economic class. An honorable lady is a woman or girl that is respectful, honest, noble, kind, and polite, has manners and proper etiquette, clean, courteous. I acknowledge the fact that I was not behaving the way an honorable lady should act today in Mr. Maw’s English class and I am genuinely sorry. I would also like to apologize to Mrs. Maw because she has been working so hard on the field trip for us every day getting it organized and stuff and the class also at
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