Honesty In The Media

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Honesty is commonly defined in terms of “the state or quality of being honest, refraining from lying, cheating or stealing, and a being of truthful, trustworthy or upright”. In regards to present day media tactics, the overall honesty perceived and conveyed by journalists is seemingly decreasing in importance and raising concerns of journalistic integrity maintained today. The chief purpose of news journalism has generally been to “reveal the reality of a society in which everything is a tool of marketing”. Yet, the fact of the matter is television news is now just a tool for marketing. It has shifted its primary view from reporting the news to “manipulating information in ways designed to attract audiences” as well as “aggrandizing themselves” to make the journalists seem more like a hero or celebrity. Rather than exposing the faults that lie within the system, the news media is becoming “emeshed” within it. Yet despite these tactics, their main purpose is to report the news, or “information about events taking place around us”, and is ultimately directed to shape and influence the public opinion. This places an “enormous power over the public opinion” and is forming a gateway to express biased and fabricated views of the corporations and reporters themselves. GE is a major corporation that owns popular television networks such as NBC and MSNBC. Yet, they are also a huge defense contractor that makes money off the war. This idea seems rather sketchy and unfair to many individuals who view the media as a faulty and untrustworthy source of information while also reinforcing the notion that the media is under the control of a sort of “virtual oligarchy”. The internet plays a key role in allowing the modern day fabricated media to slither past its supervisors, due to the fact that sources are harder to check than the actual facts themselves. A colloquial field in
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