Homosexuality: Annotated Bibliography

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Kennan Gary WS 428U Lesbian History Nov. 1, 2012 Transgender Embodiment Scholarly Sources: Dean, Laura, Ilan H. Meyer, Kevin Robinson, Randa L. Sell, Robert Sember, Vincent M. Silenzio, Deborah J. Bowen, Judith Bradford, Esther Rothblum, Jocelyn White, Patricia Dunn, Anne Lawrence, Daniel Wolfe, and Jessica Xavier. "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health: Findings and Concerns." Journal of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association 4.3 (2000): 102-51. Print. Despite the increase in acceptance of homosexuality many Americans still view homosexuality as morally wrong. The degree of sexual orientation is key to one’s self-definition. The lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals are diverse and varied among cultural background, ethnic or race identity, age, income, and place of residence. Research on transgender populations has never been adequate being that most studies misrepresent the transgender populations by including gender-nonconformist individuals such as gay or lesbians peoples who’s gender identity is clearly distinct from their sexual orientation. Other studies have ignored a range of individuals who identify as…show more content…
He goes on to explain that human beings use words to create a sort of perception of the world on which alter the social institutions around them. Katz writes “ The creation of “heterosexuality” and “homosexuality” is that those specific, historical phenomena did not exist, and could not have existed as such”. The distribution of these words helped produce the social existence of our sexual relations today. All of this information will be used to to expand off the normative/ standard relationship that our society lives off of. It will be used as a comparison to the transgendered
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