Homeschooling Essay

355 Words2 Pages
Homeschooling Vs. Public Schools Submitted by Feifei228 on December 8, 2008 Category: Social Issues Words: 800 | Pages: 4 Views: 801 Report this Essay More and more parents today are considering whether to send their children, who are just at the right age to get an education, to public schools or to choose homeschooling that is to teach their children themselves at home. Homeschooling has existed in our society for centuries. As more and more successful examples of homeschooling appear, homeschooling is becoming a popular alternative to the public schooling system and is growing at an estimated rate of around eleven percent each year (Burkhart). However, is homeschooling really better for our children compared to normal public schools? Children’s ability to adapt to society is a major point in any argument against homeschooling. Compared to homeschooling, public schools are more open and offer children a greater area in which to express themselves and more varied scenarios in which to practice their social skills. Students in public schools are forced to interact with not only their parents but also with their teachers, You must Login to view the entire essay. If you are not a member yet, Sign Up for free! classmates as well as the various school employees. They have more chances to communicate with others, learn how a society works and acquire the necessary social skills that are needed to survive and integrate into society. Anti homeschoolers point out that due to “the stereotype that home learners spend their days isolated from society at kitchen tables with workbooks in hand being kept away from our society” (Haverluck), homeschooled children will have less opportunities to communicate with others and be precluded from experiencing real life. On the other hand, some pro homeschoolers think that homeschooling is a good way of protecting
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