Home Cooking Essay

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Tuesday, october 1 Peer Review Workshop Essay #2 HOME COOKING CAN'T WIN OVER FAST FOOD There is nothing like the feeling I get when I sit down to enjoy a home cooked meal that I have prepare. The aroma is overwhelming. Family members walk in the house and start smiling. A home cooked meal is rewarding in many ways; you know what you are exactly eating, who cooked the meal and what ingredients are in the meal. With fast food you don’t know this things. We assume that we are eating what we ask for, but do you know exacly what your eating? Home cooked meals are prepared with love, time and care, when fast food is just “fast food”. Home cooked meals if prepared properly are more healthy than fast food. Home cooking and fast food come into focus through the food, economics and preparation time. At home you can cook a hamburger way healthier than a fast food restaurant, because at home you are cooking the hamburger just the way you like it. In many places where they sell hamburgers they have to cook the meet well done, when at home you can have it rare if you want. In fast food restaurants they use a lot of preservatives to try to keep the food fresh or look good. Even though most of the time they will have the food frozen for days. When at home if you have something that is not fresh or doesn't look good you will get rid of it or you will probably won't eat it. At home you can have your bun hot and in a place where they have hamburger for sale. Most of the time you get it cold. At home you know exacly what is in your hamburger, what ingredients you want and how you want the meet to be cooked. If you want a hot or cold bun, but in fast food restaurants you get a hamburger that is already there for you to serve, we don't know how long has been sitting there for someone to order it. You can ask for it with out lettuce or whatever ingredient you don't

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