Holistic Development of the Child

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In this essay I will discuss the meaning of the word play and why play is important for the holistic development for the child. I will also outline types of play and explain how play facilitates and is impacted by the maturation of children, considering children with special needs. Every child in the world plays, whenever they are babies, toddlers or even 6 years old child, the only difference would be the approach. Children 'play' at home is more unplanned but when the 'play' is more organised than it is more valuable. I will look at different types of play which need to be provided for child's learning and development. Play is all about learning and it is important to help to learn about emotions, relationships, feelings of satisfactions, enjoyment and happiness and imaginations. Also important aspect of this essay will be the parents approach to play and their influence on children play behaviour, which will be discussed. There are many varieties of definition of the word 'play', as it all dependant on the persons own experiences. What could be a play for some, may not be play to others. 'Play is a process which is freely chosen, personally directed and intrinsically motivated. Where children and young people decide and control the content and aim of their play, by following their own ideas, interest and instincts, for their own reasons and in their own way. Play give children self esteem by allowing them to have free choice and control of their own action. Also, play contribute to emotional, mental and physical health and development. Furthermore play gives children the opportunity to interact and respect others.'(Macleod-Brudenell & K, 2008) “The main characteristics of play is not its content, but its mode” (Jerome Bruner, in Moyles, 1989) Bruce (2005) “describe play as 'a birth to death process' and states that 'play is for life'.
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