Holiday Essay

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Holiday Holiday signifies the day usually provided to take a break from usual works. Besides enjoying and celebrating, many people use it as a preparation break for upcoming tasks and challenges. This event helps to accelerate the positive thinking and psychology of the people working in different fields. Similarly, it helps to enhance the productivity and creativity of the people. Holidays are essential for workers in every department of life. They relieve us of mental worry. They bring back to us natural vigor and cheerfulness. They enable us to resume our work with renewed zeal and energy. Rest is enjoyable when it follows hard work and hard work becomes easy and enjoyable when it comes after holidays. Holidays do not mean idleness. They do not mean sleeping every time. Idleness is not a thing of enjoyment. It is the root cause of all sins and evils. Wise men in all ages have condemned it. It is truly said, 'An idle man is a devil's workshop.' An idle man always thinks of mischief. Our holidays can be a source of enjoyment if we make a careful plan as to how we intend to spend them. We must be busy in doing one thing or the other, otherwise time will hang heavy on our hands. We may take long walks in the open both in the morning and evening. We may enjoy the scenes and sights of nature. We may sit and take rest for a while by the side of a canal or a murmuring brook. We may read some interesting books; say a biography of some great man, or a journal or a newspaper. We may do some writing work if we feel interested in it. In conclusion, a wise selection of items of rest and recreation makes holidays bracing and stimulating. Holidays are not to be taken as opportunities for irresponsible relaxing and rest. Rest is rust if it goes for long time. Holidays are only opportunities for changing over temporarily from hard, monotonous work or bread-earning to a period
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