“Hitler’s Foreign Policy Between 1933 and 1939 Inevitably Led to War.” Discuss.

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Yes, Hitler's aggressive foreign policy between 1933 and 1939 inevitably led to WWII. While other factors such as appeasement and the failure of the League of Nations might have encouraged Hitler to test the boundaries and to slowly bring about the start of the war, it was his foreign policy that was the root cause of the problem, as it triggered his motivation to expand German territory and thus angering Britain and France, both eventually declaring war on Germany. Hitler had stated in Mein Kampf, as early as, in 1924, that he wished to expand German territory, and his foreign policy was centered on that. Hitler also resented the Treaty of Versailles and he began to challenge its terms and slowly went about its destruction; this too contributed to the start of the war. The first step of Hitler’s foreign policy was to remove the limitations, which had been placed on Germany by the Treaty of Versailles. Germany would regain the lands lost in the settlement, together with its overseas colonies. According to Hitler, the German people needed lebensraum or living space, which could only be provided by conquering territory from the inferior Slav races to the east of the fatherland. In 1935 Hitler decided that the time had come to further test the resolve of other European leaders. The Treaty forbade Germany to station troops or build fortifications within 30 miles of the River Rhine. Hitler reoccupied the Rhineland in March 1936. Only three battalions actually crossed the Rhine and they had orders to retreat in the event of resistance. Britain and France protested but took no action. Hitler had gambled and won. The failure of the British and French to oppose Hitler’s march into the Rhineland in 1936 was to have enormous significance. He no longer believed in Anglo-French solidarity and would continue to gamble until somebody called his bluff, leading right up to WWII.

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