Historical Origins of Architecture

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The Historical Origins Of Architecture, The Emergence of Repetition and Aggregation? Introduction Throughout the following passages I will construct a brief yet comprehensive account of the origins of architecture. Looking at key readings and texts throughout architectural evolution, such as Vitruvius’ “Ten Books on Architecture” where he explores a series of guides to construction projects in Roman architecture, outlining key principles such as Order, Arrangement & Symmetry, as well as analyzing more recent texts such as LeCorbousiers’ “Toward a New Architecture” where in one of many points the writer highlights the strengths on mans ability to adapt to new conditions, “...He learns to admit and even, in a sneaking sort of way, to like new and strange forms” 1. Focusing on these texts and a general overview as to where they position themselves in history, it will allow one to identify key moments in history where architectural development was prominent and of particular importance in how we perceive architecture today, such as the monolithic architecture of the ancient Greeks. Through key analytical findings, with the aim to highlight the use of repetition and aggregation throughout architectural history, one will analyze the current & potential positioning of these theories and concepts in modern architecture, most predominantly parametricism. Comparatively recent, the movement of parametricism centers itself around the idea that form dictates function and by harnessing technical advances in both computational and construction standards, a more integrated, intelligent form of architecture will present itself. Principles engaged by all practitioners of parametricism can be traced back to ancient architecture and theorists, most notably the ancient Greek & Roman principles of repetition & replication in construction. However, in many cases

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