Should the Teenage Driving Age Be Raised? The age at which you can legally drive varies from country to country, but in many places it is lower than 18. In most American states it is 16 or younger. Usually you are allowed to take a driving test a year or more before you can even vote. As young drivers are the ones most likely to have accidents, from time to time there are calls to raise the driving age.
Juvenile Crime Statistics Paper Shirley Giron September 19, 2014 CJA/374 William O’Neil Juvenile Crime Statistics Since the beginning of time crime and criminal activity has been an uproar among society. Most criminal begin at delinquency and continue committing criminal activities till adulthood. According to the 2008 juvenile crime report, juveniles make up a 2.11 million arrests, 16% of all violent crime arrests (Puzzanchera, 2009). The findings were made from data reported from local law enforcement agencies that were than accumulated in the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report (UCR) Program. UCR states there has been 3% decline on juvenile arrests, arrest include murder, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault (Puzzanchera, 2009).
Therefore there is not justifiable reason to extend that right to gay couples and in so doing change the very definition of marriage. On the other hand, more liberal citizens, backed by the President as well as many democrats, believe that marriage is right that should be extended to all, no matter of their sexual orientation, and that procreation is not the only reason for marriage, but instead it is the joining of two people that love each other. This controversial issue is being fought in numerous states; however California is undoubtedly the epicentre. Proposition 8 was a referendum passed by the people that banned same-sex marriage. As soon as it was passed into law a multitude of appeals were lodged against it claiming it was unconstitutional, although to begin with proposition 8 was upheld by the courts as constitutional, for example Strauss v. Horton, eventually the Californian 9th circuit Court of appeals ruled it unconstitutional.
In the end Mitt Romney was the winner by far. Romney pulled through in the end making undecided voters make a choice. I hope that the next debate Romney is able to perform as well as he did in this debate, because I believe our country needs to see a change and that if Romney is trying as much as he says he is I believe that something good could work. As for Obama, he needs to sit down and practice for the next two debates, for it would be a shame for the President of the United States to look foolish a second time on National
Question: Should the full faith and credit clause uphold gay marriage nationwide? Answer: Yes “Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state.” These words contained in the Full Faith and Credit Clause has been used to unify our states, and provide legal safety nets for a plethora of important binding legalities. Most recently, The Full Faith and Credit Clause had been watered down by other constitutional measures like the 96 “Defense of Marriage Act” but in reality, denying gay marriage national protection under the clause is counter to its purpose and a historical anomaly. Many like current Justice Scalia argue that traditional choice, based on public policy is a standard of US politics and is constitutional. It is for this reason that states do not have to recognize out of state gay marriages unlike other legal measures protected by the Full Faith and Credit Clause.
Even though the drop out rate has been decreasing annual the dropout rate is still too high at 7% in 2011. ( While there are many reasons for dropping out of high school there are some factors that I have found to be more apparent in the high school drop out. Several decades worth of studies have documented that dropouts are more likely to be poor, minority, and male and also come from a single parent family. However students who have those characteristics are more likely to drop out but it is educational reasons over personal reasons that pose the more realistic reason why students drop out of high school. Students with poor academic performance and educational disengagement prove to be the main reason students drop out of high school.
Some states had a substantial divorce rate reduction once gay marriage was legalized (ProCon, 2012). “A study found that ‘laws permitting same-sex marriage or civil unions have no adverse effect on marriage, divorce, and abortion rates, [or] the percent of children born out of wedlock…” (ProCon, 2012). There are large amounts of children born out of wedlock to heterosexual couples. Banning gay marriage is an act of discrimination. Gay marriage is protected by the Constitution’s commitments to liberty and equality.
University of Illinois Law Review TRANSITION: ABOLISHING THE MARITAL EXEMPTION FOR RAPE: A STATUTORY PROPOSAL 1983 1983 U. Ill. L. Rev. 201 Author THOMAS R. BEARROWS Excerpt I. INTRODUCTION It is revolting to have no better reason for a rule of law than that so it was laid down in the time of Henry IV. It is still more revolting if the grounds upon which it was laid down have vanished long since, and the rule simply persists from blind imitation of the past. 1 Common law formulations of the rape offense traditionally have excluded nonconsensual acts of sexual intercourse between married persons.
I find that to be one of the most ridiculous things in the world. We all deserve to have a chance at life. A person’s life should not be taken away because of others ignorance. Goodman stated that genocide was much worse than murder. He believed that “the answer lies in the intent, not just the scale of the crime” (Goodman, 2010).
Persuasive essay Would you not do whatever it takes just to know that there is one less murderer on our planet? Give justice to the vistim’s grieving family at any cost? Many people believe that capital punishmant is unethical and should be abolished. But presently, the crime rate is rapidly increasing due to the lack of effective capital punishment. The murderers deserve to be executed like they killed their victims.