I guess, when you really want something that you think will make your life better your willing to sacrifice or put away other things that our actually way more important. So, In a way yeah I got what I wanted. I found my first high school love, I was hanging out every weekend. The first time in my life I thought I had the high school life that was right. However, at what cost was this new since of popularity?
In the essay the author shows this purpose when she says, “But now the contenders for the valedictorian title, especially at large, top-performing suburban high schools, are numerous and determined. Many schools offer AP courses—and sometimes honors and IB classes… Students fill their schedules with A.P. classes, as the ambitious ones tend to do…” This shows how the students who want to become valedictorian add on extra classes and therefore adding stress to themselves. This also shows that students compete against one another to be on top. Speaker: Margaret Talbot, a women living in the twenty first century, believes that students are stressed and feel a lot of pressure to become valedictorian.
I would like to show my family that education is very important, because it doesn't only affect you but everyone that is surrounded by you. I would like to set an example for my little sister, and younger cousins, that anything is possible, and that your education sets a path for your future that if you have a bright future you can have a beautiful life. I would also like God to be proud of me as well. Bishop Noll Institute offers a challenging academic environment, I clearly see it in the upperclassmen’s attitudes and the standards that they set for me as a freshman this year. The more I know the better opportunities will come my way in the future.
My parents really believed in shaping me into a good person when i was younger. When i was younger my parents would always scold me if I was thinking about the negative side of the situation instead of the positive side. This belief is "core" for me because it will take you places you have never thought
At the age of 14 I entered high school. This time in an individual’s life is usually quite gruesome and brutal and either can make or break a person. I had to learn to adjust to a new environment and find my place in this secret society of high school. My fears of not fitting in this new environment I had to utilize self concept and self esteem to be able to cope with the changes and the social world before drowning in my own fear. As I overcame the sense of fear my self esteem boosted me up and motivation through self efficacy allowed my high school years to be abundantly full of joy and great experiences.
One of the biggest and most obvious goals I have set would be graduating high school. This should be a pretty easy goal to accomplish but I do need to watch myself in some of my classes. Some of the big things I need to do to meet this goal are improving my neatness, not being lazy and actually turning assignments, and trying to study as much as I can. The hardest of these will unquestionably be turning in my homework. I’ve always had a hard time turning in any homework and this is the year I need to start doing it.
Without the goal of going to college I would not be here today. Also, I would not be teaching my children not to give up on their dreams. By believing that the long-term results and the value of completing my degree in higher education to be that if it is a dream or a goal of yours that you are never too old to achieve them. Also, if you are returning to school later in life you are setting an example for your children so they can see that you never give up on your goals and dreams. My personal plan for my academic future is to push myself to do better in school and achieve the goal that I set for myself of a 4.0 GPA.
Older people always tell me they would re-do there high school years over again, but not me. Graduation day had to be the best day of my life, finally my senior year was over. I could finally get away from the horrible memories I had and start over. I couldn’t believe I made it through Brennan High School. A lot of people always think Brennan High School is for bad kids, kids that get kicked out of school that might be true for a few but most of us were there for emotional problems.
Instead of seeing the ugliness life sometimes forces upon people, I have been revealed the beauty that exists when a truly caring family is present. My parents made certain that I know they would turn the world upside down for me if they had to. They always made sure I was
I did not grow up in the best environment and my caseworker has helped me cope with the fact that, sometimes, my family is not a positive role model for me. I learned that, even through hard times, not everybody is going to do what they say they are going to do. Having a relationship with my family has been an enormous struggle, because I am very close to them and they have some unhealthy habits, which I know, are not good to deal with. I try not to follow in their footsteps because I want to provide for myself and predict my own future. The differences that Youth services have made in my life are going to help me in the community and make a difference in the future.