High School Dropout In Delaware Essay

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High school dropout in Delaware is at an all-time high, last year 2010-2011 the Delaware statewide high school dropout rate was 3.7% a 30 year low. Wait” there is some disturbing trends within this data. The report show that Black student increased while it went down for White and Hispanic Student. Black Student rate is 5.1% in 2010-2011 this increased by 1% from 2009-2010 school year, also Hispanics is as at 4.4% down from 4.7% in 2009-2010 school year and White Student are at 2.8% for 2010-2011 compared to 3.1% in 2009-2010 school year. All report show that the 9th grade has the highest rate of dropout in all four year of high school and trend in same for subgroups. Dropping out of high school is related to a number of negative outcomes,…show more content…
This is why I’m trying to find ways to help other before they dropout. Family need to do more with their children, like ask question talk with the teachers find things that would allow them to be a part of their life. The program needs to be one that would help a child before he or she start falling behind, we need to make a change today for the children of tomorrow. The state need to stop cutting back on after school programs that offer help with reading and writing they also need to set-up a program that offer free classes for parent’s so that they are able to help their children at home with homework . Also this system should have program which older children can help the younger children with their reading and writing, math etc. “Each one teach one program.” We should have a system that reward’s student with good grades, the reward should go up with your grades and each year until they graduation the higher your grades the better your reward should be. I believe that this program should help children want to stay in school and give a 100% to become a better and successful student This is not just a problem for the state and the school system; this is a problem for
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