High School Did Not Prepare Me Well for College

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High School Did Not Prepare Me Well for College In China, students never have to decide what to study or how to process a subject, because Chinese teachers teach information from the textbooks very slowly and they make the everyday schedules for students. All I had to do was go to class and listen carefully to the lecture, then go home and do homework based on those lectures. Furthermore, Chinese students do not have to manage any other aspects of their lives, either at home; the parents take care of all the life tasks for their children. They do laundry, clean house, and cook meals for their children. Making sure they do their homework before sleeping or playing with friends and making them get up on time to go to school. After I came to the U.S, the strange environment brings more difficulties of study and daily life to me. Chinese high schools need to do much better job for teaching students how to be mature and to take responsibility for themselves, so students will be able to manage their own lives when they grow up. Parents in China prepare daily life and study problems very well for their children during the high school. They manage all of the life tasks and even help their children apply to colleges, but then, when their children go to other countries to attend colleges; those children like me are unable to handle those necessary tasks by ourselves. For example, when I came to college, I did not know even how to enroll in classes until the third semester. Before college, at the beginning of every semester in China my parents enrolled for me in school, so I did not need to enroll in classes by myself. After high school, my parents found an agency to help me to apply to KU, and all of the documents had to submit were prepared by my parents and the agency. All I had to do was enjoying the results. At the end of my first semester at KU, I noticed that all of

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