Hibiscus Flower Essay

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The appearance of hibiscus flowers varies among over 200 species, but the blossoms of the plants are similar. The shape of the stamens and pistils, or the male and female organs, is a common feature in all the hibiscus species. The hibiscus blossoms contain typical blossom structures, but they have unusual features as well, including a long staminal column. As the hibiscus begins to bloom, the petals unfurl. Every flower has multiple petals, which differ in color depending on the species. The corolla is the colorful section that attracts animals and insects. The corolla has two different parts, the petals and the corolla lobes. This attraction helps ensure the pollination of the flower. The petals are the delicate and often conspicuously colored part of the flower. They enclose the pistil and stamen and attract pollinators to the plant. They are also the part of the plant that humans admire. The tiny green petals at the base of the flower are called the sepals. These protect the developing bud. The petals are the delicate and often conspicuously colored part of the flower. They enclose the pistil and stamen and attract pollinators to the plant. They are also the part of the plant that humans admire. The tiny green petals at the base of the flower are called the sepals. These protect the developing bud. Hibiscus At the tip of the flower stalk, pedicel, an apical meristem holds the floral structure. In most flowers like the hibiscus the outer swirl consists of several sepals. The sepals act as temporary protective scales around the unopened bud; and may be shed or curl back. At the top of the stigma is a sticky surface for pollen to adhere. The ovary is a fruit and contains ovules (undeveloped seeds) in which in each an egg waits to be

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