Hiberno English Essay

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1) Discuss the origins and development of H-E (Hiberno - English). Please I suggest that you use 5 of those books on the list as sources choose those that you think are more relevant for this essay. Note: Please you must put headings on different parts of your essay so we can see when you have moved on to a new area. Please I wish you to provide one example on each heading. Reading list Hickey, R. 2007, Irish English: History and present-day forms. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. Kallen, J. 1997, Focus on Ireland. John Benjamin’s: Amsterdam. Todd, L. 1999, Green English: Irelands influence on English language. Dublin: O’Brien. Barron, A. and Schneider, K.P. (eds.) 2005. The Pragmatics of Irish English. Berlin: De Gruyter. Filppula, M. 1999. The Grammar of Irish English. London: Routledge. Moylan, S. 2009. Southern Irish English: Review and Exemplary Texts. Dublin: Geography Publications. Tristram, H.L.C. (ed.) 2006. The Celtic Englishes IV – The Interface between English and the Celtic Languages. Potsdam: Potsdam University Press. 2. Extended list Amador-Moreno, C. 2010. An Introduction to Irish English. Equinox: London. (on order) Bliss, A.J. 1984. English in the South of Ireland. In: P. Trudgill (ed.). Language in the British Isles, pp 135-151. Cambridge University Press. Cheshire, J. 1991. English Around the World. Cambridge University Press. Cronin, M. and O Cuilleanáin, C. 2003. The Languages of Ireland. Four Courts: Dublin. Dolan, T. 2006. A Dictionary of Hiberno-English. Gill & Macmillan: Dublin. Farr, F. and A. O’Keeffe 2002. Would as a hedging device in an Irish context. In: R. Reppen, S.M.Fitzmaurice and D.Biber (eds.). Using Corpora to Explore Linguistic Variation, pp 25-48. J. Benjamins: Amsterdam Foulkes, P. and G. Docherty (eds.) 1999. Urban voices. Edward Arnold: London. Freeborn,

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