Heroic Epic Essay

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The Heroic Epic What is a heroic epic? First or all, it is one type of literature generally called “narrative. A narrative is any of those forms of literature, such as the epic poem, or “heroic epic,” that have a narrator, or story teller, as the principal speaker. Narrative is the largest category of literature; it includes the greatest variety of particular genres, all the way from myths of the gods to the forms we are familiar with today, such as the short story, novel and biography. Epic is, along with stories of the gods, the most ancient form of narrative, and it is also one of the most long-lived. The earliest epic is the earliest surviving work of literature, the Epic of Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh is at least four thousand years old. The last great heroic epic is Milton's Paradise Lost, published in the 1660's, more than 3,500 years after Gilgamesh. That's a long life for a literary genre. You should know the most important elements of this venerable literary form. We will cover three, the epic hero, the nature of the action (the “plot” of the story) and divine intervention. The first element, then, is the epic hero as the protagonist. Note that an epic hero is not the same as a tragic hero. There are important similarities--both are persons of high estate, or social class, often rulers, such as Odysseus. Both the epic and tragic hero are distinguished by larger-than-life qualities; their courage, strength of character, intelligence and skill make them the literary equivalents of great sports and public figures of our own time--they are the Michael Jordans and Martin Luther Kings of literature. But the tragic hero belongs to a different genre altogether, the tragedy, a form of drama, as opposed to narrative. Shakespeare’s Othello is a tragedy, for example. And while the tragic hero must fail in the end, and, as Othello does, usually
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