What triggers his hatred even more is the fact that the monster is responsible for Justine’s and William’s murder. With this knowledge Victor screams in rage towards the monster “Scoffing devil! Again do I vow vengeance; again do I devote thee miserable fiend, to torture and death.” (107) Victor becomes overwhelmed by the murder and feels totally responsible for it, since it his creation that has committed these murders. "I did confess; but I confessed a lie. I confessed, that I might obtain absolution; but now that falsehood lies heavier at my heart than all my other sins.
Along with strength, one must have other distinguishing traits to be considered an epic hero. Overall, heroes are morally and principally sound. They have good character and usually lack evil traits (Patton 1). A hero should not seek glorification or attention for their aid; they should be concerned only with doing good. Although Beowulf does seek a little glorification, he shows that a hero must be humble.
In the land of Denmark, Beowulf is a true hero in the eyes of the Danes, yet a “Monster” to Grendel and his mother. In all situations, good vs. evil exists. However, the perception of good and/or evil is in the eye of the beholder. For example, king Hrothgra is a well-respected leader held in the highest regards of the people of Heorot. Sadly, Opposing king Hrothgra’s goodness is the horrible swamp dwelling, demonic Monster, named Grendel who terrorizes and kills innocent Danes for simply enjoying themselves and having a good time.
He was mentally unstable due to his upbringing and abusive father. His love for his mother made him the way he is. He killed older women for pleasure and to use their skin for things like masks, furniture and belts. Of all the murderers out there, he has to be the worst. The world is a better place without
To the people he is an almighty force that can’t be stopped and he appears perfect in everyway. However he is not without fault as many may think as a matter a fact two of his biggest faults may be quite common. Even with all his strength and power he still could not escape the grasps of pride and greed. Clearly mentioned multiple times in the epic is how strong and unbeatable Beowulf is. Though this is true throughout the epic he does let it kind of go to his head in a sense.
Being loyal to them and/or yourself shows honor. In our world today Beowulf, from the poem Beowulf, would be a hero because he shows courage and never gives up. Fearless courage, brick wall strength, and the spirit to never give up are all of the characteristics to being a hero. Just as in today’s world, Beowulf had shown heroism by being there and protecting the people he cared about. Even in the times when a task seemed to be impossible to accomplish being courageous is a trait to have.
But no matter what the numerous different heroes look like, they all seemingly possess the same attributes. Tremendous courage, bravery, faith, and kindness all ultimately make someone a hero. The epic poem of Beowulf uniformly offers no exception. Beowulf sufficiently possessed tremendous strength and bravery. Despite sometimes wanting the vast glory for himself, Beowulf displayed kindness and faith towards his kinsmen.
Grendel is the antagonist. Grendel is a powerful monster from the darkness who killed many soldiers. “Beowulf” is about a warrior who sails from Geatland to Denmark in order to defeat Grendel along with his mother and a dragon. Beowulf is an epic hero because he is strong, loyal and courageous. One reason why Beowulf is an epic hero is because he’s strong.
Hoan Truong Mrs. Masters CP English 11 October 28 2011 Purity from Within Good v. evil played as an extremely important theme in both the Beowulf and Grendel text. In Beowulf, Grendel, the mean bloodthirsty monster, obviously represents evil; killing innocent human lives because of his mechanical animalistic behaviors. Beowulf on the other hand was looked up to as a hero. In the human perspective; he was described as strong, courageous hero. In contrast Gardner portrayed Grendel and Beowulf completely different than how Orwell did.
In Shakespeare’s Macbeth, the main character initially demonstrates qualities of being a tragic hero, but by conclusion of the play his deceitfulness and his overwhelming gullibility lead him to be portrayed as a criminal. Macbeth has serious issues with power, greed, and even his own self- esteem and self- conscious. He knows when he kills Duncan and Banquo that it is the wrong thing to do but he still does it anyways. He also becomes obsessed with idea of power and becomes more power hungry as each day passes. He has become an unstoppable killing machine who believes he is invincible once the three witches reveal their prophecies and their apparitions to Macbeth.