Herland Novel Response

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Herland is a utopian novel written by the author Charlotte Perkins Gilman in 1915. The story starts off with Vandyk, goes by Van in the book, narrating the story. Van, along with two friends, Jeff Margrave and Terry Nicholson, hear a rumor about a place where only women live and have their own culture and society. The three of them are curious to know if this place exists, so they set off to find it. The three of them eventually find this place and are amazed as to what they find. The rest of the story focuses on major societal themes that Gilman wants to explore. These include gender roles, society, religion, and education. The first theme, and most obvious, was how Gilman uses the topic of gender roles to make a point to society. She shows us how in the land of Herland that women can do everything “man” can do and to somewhat degree, do it better. In the beginning of the book when the three men meet the three ladies and run to try and catch them, the women out-run them and make them look like the weaker species. The book goes on to use other examples. When the men were in prison, their hair grew out. I thought this to mean that Gilman was feminizing them while the women held the power to release them. Also when they were in confinement how they were allowed to exercise and Gilman says the older women would match or beat them at the exercises. Gilman gets this point across pretty clear that she thinks women are equal, if not better than males. In this utopian place, Gilman lays out a place and society that she believes is an ideal place to live. She creates a social structure that because it is all women believes that there is never any trouble and everyone gets along with one another. This, to me, is hard to believe as this goes against what I believe to be a society. Even if this were a culture today, believing that everyone gets
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