Hepatitis C Lab Report

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Symptoms: Hepatitis A: Symptoms of Hepatitis A include: feeling tired, muscle soreness, upset stomach, fever, loss of appetite, stomach pain, diarrhea, dark yellow urine, yellowish eyes, and a severe skin condition. To find out if you have hepatitis A, you must take a blood test. Hepatitis B: Jaundice (yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes and/or a brownish or orange tint to the urine, Unusually light-coloured stool, fever, unexplained fatigue that persists for weeks or months, gastrointestinal symptoms such as loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting, abdominal pain and frequently there will be no symptoms, and it is only discovered in a blood test. Hepatitis C:Symptoms of Hepatitis C are : liver inflammation, fatigue, joint pain, belly pain, itchy…show more content…
But your doctor may advise you to not take drugs of any kind. Hepatitis B: In most cases, hepatitis B goes away by itself within 4 to 8 weeks. More than 9 out of 10 adults with HBV recover completely. However, about 1 out of 20 people who get HBV as adults will be "carriers" and have chronic (long-term) infection with HBV. Nine out of 10 infants who get HBV at birth will have chronic infection unless they receive immediate treatment. Hepatitis C: A new treatment for Hepatitis C which includes a longer-acting form of interferon has been found to cure more patients and cause less side effects, in a study conducted in 81 medical centers. Prevention: Hepatitis A: To prevent hepatitis A, we should stop eating foods contaminated during handling, raw shellfish harvested from water contaminated with the virus and swallowing contaminated water or ice. Hepatitis B: To prevent this people need to use protection during sex, use new needles during injections, use new tools for a tattoo, and try to avoid using others personal

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